Five reasons to write your own TESOL blog blog elt tesol writing

By James Jenkin

Writing a TESOL blog is a valuable endeavor for anyone serious about teaching. It will help you think deeply about your approach to teaching, and connect you with the wider TESOL community. And it’s fun.

Here are some examples of creative and inspiring blogs:


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Three current TESOL controversies controversies course book eliciting elt reading aloud tesol

By James Jenkin

Course books: Yes or no?

Many teachers and students are fans of course books. Most are professionally written and provide teachers with ready-made material. Their alignment with international proficiency levels, such as CEFR, is useful for schools. And, more importantly, they provi...

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What qualifications do EFL teachers need? celta professional development teaching certificate teaching requirements tefl tesol

By James Jenkin

This is a question often asked by prospective teachers. The very unsatisfying answer is: it depends.

This is because of the size and spread of the TEFL (Teaching of English as a Foreign Language) industry. The number of learners is expected to grow to 2 billion this decade (Graddol...

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