What is portfolio writing assessment? elt portfolio portfolio assessment writing writing assessment writing portfolio

By Dr Jeremy Koay

A limited view

Traditionally, assessment has focused on testing students’ knowledge and skills. In this approach, teachers evaluate students’ learning based on end products, such as assignments and test answer scripts. This approach does not encourage learners to monitor their ow...

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What is collaborative writing? collaborative writing elt writing

By Dr Jeremy Koay

A limited view

In most conventional writing tests, test candidates are expected to write their essays independently. As a result, in an exam-oriented education system, in-class writing activities typically involve producing a piece of individual writing. Although there should be ...

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Five reasons to write your own TESOL blog blog elt tesol writing

By James Jenkin

Writing a TESOL blog is a valuable endeavor for anyone serious about teaching. It will help you think deeply about your approach to teaching, and connect you with the wider TESOL community. And it’s fun.

Here are some examples of creative and inspiring blogs:


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What is Writing? elt writing

by Dr Jeremy Koay


When I was teaching academic writing at university level, I often asked my students about their learning goals. In every semester, almost all my international students would say they need to improve their grammar. Some would say they need to improve their vocabular...

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