Small enough to care, big enough to deliver.
EduMaxi began as a one-woman show back in the early days of e-learning. Things have changed a lot since then... Our team has grown into an international group of creators and thinkers, dreamers and doers. Our projects, experience, and capabilities have expanded exponentially. But one thing hasn’t changed: the value that EduMaxi places on people and relationships. We care about our team. We care about our partners. We care about learners. And we care about you.
Our Team

Core Team
Our dedicated core team works within the EduMaxi landscape but across international borders to bring our products and services to the world.

Our Operations team takes care of project management, marketing, and customer relations to ensure your project runs seamlessly from start to finish.
Creative Media
Our Creative Media team is a diverse group of artists and dreamers who imagine and create solutions in the ideal medium, and in the most beautiful way.
Our Education team comprises curriculum developers, instructional and learning experience designers, and subject matter experts who ensure we create academically rigorous products & services.
Our Editorial/Publishing team is all about the detail, ensuring that all of the content we create meets international publishing standards and is of the highest quality.
Our Digital and EdTech team work with our Education team to bring ideas to life. The team includes digital developers experienced in e-learning software as well as app, game, and web developers.
Our Process
Our Clients

OurĀ Values
At EduMaxi, we value taking care of people and planet.
Manaakitanga (care) relates to sharing, hosting and being generous. It supports collaboration, helps knowledge flow both ways and involves reciprocity of kindness, respect, humility, and hospitality. Not only does it underpin behaviour that acknowledges the mana of others as being equal or greater than oneā€™s own but also highlights the importance of caring for the environment.
Overall it refers to the relationship between host and visitorā€”or, in a business context, the relationship between business provider and customer. It involves being a responsible host/provider, caring for others, making people feel at home, treating others with respect and caring for the environment. It is important that the host/provider shows they are capable of caring for their visitors otherwise the host is at risk of their mana (dignity/status) decreasing, specifically from the perspective of the visitor.
At EduMaxi, we value synergistic relationships.
Whakawhanaungatanga (the process of establishing relationships) relates to the willingness, process and ability to establish synergistic relationships where mutual involvement in decision-making is encouraged, resulting in strengthened collective action and positive outcomes.
It embraces whakapapa (genealogy) as a connective device that links individuals through generations with a strong focus on relationships. But it also reaches beyond whakapapa relationships to include non-related people who have developed relationships like kinā€”even across geographies and cultures. It involves taking responsiblity for one another and including others in the overall situation or kaupapa.
At EduMaxi, we put the social, emotional, and mental wellbeing of our team first.
Wairuatanga (holistic well-being and spiritual synergy) relates to the holistic well-being of an individual (mental, social, and emotional) and the spiritual synergy of the collective. It encompasses the spiritual and physical dimensions of thinking, being and doing and promotes the development of a distinctive identity.
Through it, we recognise a sense of identity, belonging, and uniqueness and we acknowledge that it is an essential requirement for good mental, social, and emotional health and wellbeing, and identity. It requires opportunities to express and practice cultural diversity or tikanga and traditions or kawa and it values that employees are both spiritual and physical beings held together by a unique life energy or mauri.
At EduMaxi, we value creativity, resourcefulness, and the ability to tackle challenges, learn and adapt.
Auahatanga (creativity and entrepreneurship) relates to creativity, entrepreneurship, problem-solving, flexibilty, confronting challenges, learning from it and adapting. It is used to represent entrepreneurial behavious, which are the actions individuals take to create or innovate.
Through it, we recognise a sense of identity, belonging, and uniqueness and we acknowledge that it is an essential requirement for good mental, social, and emotional health and well-being, and identity. It requires opportunities to express and practice cultural diversity or tikanga and traditions or kawa and it values that employees are both spiritual and physical beings held together by a unique life energy or mauri.
At EduMaxi, we take our guardianship of the environment seriously to ensure a sustainable future for generations to come.
Kaitaikitanga (guardianship) involves preserving, protecting and shelteringā€”relating to environmental issues and the guardianship / preservation of traditional knowledge for the benefit of future generations.
Consequences are severe when the responsibility of Kaitaikitanga is not taken seriously, resulting in the loss of mana and taonga (treasures) or damaged and depleted resources.
Fairness & Transparency
Tika me Pono
At EduMaxi, we value the balance between fairness and transparency in all our interactions.
Tika me Pono (fairness and transparency) embodies the principles of justice and honesty, advocating for integrity, transparent decision-making, and ethical conduct to uphold standards and ensure equitable treatment for all.
It mandates operating with integrity, ensuring that our business decisions and actions are transparent, ethical, and equitable. This value cultivates a culture of trust and mutual respect among employees, stakeholders, and clients, essential for maintaining high moral and ethical standards within our community.